Author: wwaldner
Teresa – Bellville, WI
I would love to say that our experience adopting a Bernese Mountain Dog from P.V. Berners was wonderful . “Shep” is almost 5 months old and he is beautiful and gentle. He has made a wonderful addition to our family!
Sonja -Roberts, WI
Rover is the perfect fit for our family thank you so much! Titan is his new name and he is amazing!I honestly have never worked with such a smart dog he is a joy to our family. Thank you so much! I should let you know he is also gigantic. lol
Daphne – Stoughton, WI
All of us are doing just wonderfully! Rainier is growing rapidly.
All in all, I would say we are dearly attached to this little, or rather big puppy, and he’s clearly devoted to us in turn. 🙂
Ann- Fox Lake, WI
Snickers continues to be the hit of the neighborhood. He is such a sweetheart, everyone loves him but not as much as I do